Hope More Lottery

Did you know you’ve got 500 chances to win a $100 dollar Hyperluxe gift voucher in the Cancer Council WA’s, Hope More Lottery!
The 2019 Hope More Lottery has launched and Team HyperLuxe are excited and proud to be involved this year with 5 x wardrobe and styling experience plus 500 x vouchers to be won! This annual lottery is hosted by the Cancer Council WA, a cause extremely close to our heart as Hyperluxe matriarch, Jenny, is a survivor of cervical cancer.
The prizes are endless with this lottery, as every ticket purchased has the chance to win 1 million dollars plus luxury escapes to destinations including Tokyo Disney, Sri Lanka, USA and Bora Bora!
There are over 6,500 prizes up for grabs, including 5 x wardrobe and styling experiences with Hyperluxe valued at $2,500 each! There is also 500 x chances to win a Hyperluxe gift voucher valued at $100!
With a 1 in 8 chance of winning a prize, this is a lottery you don’t want to miss out on! Proceeds from this lottery help Cancer Council WA continue their support for West Aussies affected by cancer, and as community ambassadors, Hyperluxe encourage everyone to purchase tickets and support this worthy cause.
Head to their socials: instagram @cancercouncillottery and Facebook to scroll through the many amazing prizes that the Cancer Council is offering and don’t wait to purchase a ticket for your chance to win!
Hurry up and get your tickets because as an added bonus for those of you who are still wanting more reason to get involved, all tickets purchased before Wednesday 27th February 2019 23:59 AWST are eligible for the $100,000 Early Bird Cash Prize and are also in the running for the Bonus Draw and Major Prize! That’s one ticket with THREE more chances to win!